3D printer, laser cutter, prototyping boards (Arduino, Raspberry Pi), sensors for FREE
Friday - 9am to 5pm @ Science Park 402 (TallGrass), 1098 XH Amsterdam
Ask in advance availability. For more details contact mrunal.gawade[at]gmail.com (Please replace [at] by @ )

Arduino based clock
John Hoang (Masters student in Physics) from Nikhef has been working on this initial prototype of an Arduino powered light emitting prototype clock at the Innovation Lab. The clock when completed will have different use cases such as responding to music to display different light patterns, responding to different user actions using lights, etc. He plans to do a kickstarter crowdfunding campaign to fund his innovation and is seeking any kind of support in terms of feedback to improve, and funding to take it to the next level.

Case for Rasbperry Pi based rover
Folkert Bleichrodt a post-doc from Computational Imaging group at CWI along with his students is employing Wifi transceivers for tomographic imaging. This has applications from security to localization of victims in emergency situations (fires, earthquakes). By using rovers they are able to dynamically scan objects. At Innovation Lab they used the laser cutting machine to make a custom case for the Raspberry Pi mounted on rovers.

Living hinge box
John Hoang from Nikhef is experimenting with the "living hinge" concept of making boxes having round corners. The file was downloaded from Thingiverse http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:265763. He used 3mm MDF wood. The result looked decent enough, but the hinge broke at some points, probably because the material was too thin. It remains work in progress and further optimizations are being considered to create a more sturdy box.

Clipages for whiteflies
Andriy Volkov is a Masters student in Biology at the University of Amsterdam. This is the first part of his photo-report for his (already finished) project in making clip-ages for white flies. The idea is to create a device that can contain small insects and that can be attached to a leaf. To achieve this, we cut out ring-like elements from plexiglass. A special mesh is attached on one side of the ring, and a soft foam ring is glued to the other side. The mesh prevents the insects from escaping, while the foam-like material seals off small gaps (e.g. due to leaf veins) between the leaf surface and the plexiglass. All details are glued together using chloroform and methylene chloride.

The 3d scanned models
Mrunal Gawade, is finishing his PhD from database architectures group from CWI. He is exploring different techniques to create 3d models. 3D scanning being one such technique. Here is a preview of a 3d scanned chair using Microsoft Windows Kinnect V2 with Windows 10 Builder tool. Windows 10 has some good 3d printing and scanning functionalities as Microsoft is pushing it as a platform for its hololens, head mounted display related software ecosystem.

E-Waste & Das-Arts
Abhishek Thapar is studying at DasArts as part of the Amsterdam School of the Arts, pursuing a Master's in Theatre Program. One of the projects he has been working is on the Electronic Waste. This project concerns with the dismantling process of electronic waste and the human bodies which are engaged with it. He is creating a performance on the same on 17th & 18th June 2016 at DasArts.
He is using Electronic Waste such as (laptops, wires, computers, computer parts and other electrical devices). Research institutes at Science Park generate lot of e-waste. And CWI agreed to provide Abhishek with whatever e-waste he needs for his project. Institutes at Science Park have an agreement with companies for safely disposing the e-waste generated on the campus.

3D Printed artifact
Alexander Kostenko is a post-doc in Computational Imaging group at CWI. He is experimenting with 3D objects. What you see here is the 21st vertebra of a T-REX tale (counting from the hip). It's been 3D printed using a mesh obtained from the Artec structured light scanner.
What they are working on here is a novel visualization of multi-modal data for museums. Think of combining different moralities of X-ray imaging (CT, Fluorescence, K-edge) and light/laser scanners. They want to do it with very different types of objects, for instance big fossils such as dinosaur bones, micro-fossils - foraminifera, ancient statures and pottery etc.

Wooden mold to bend plexiglass
Mrunal Gawade a PhD candidate from CWI Database Architectures group is experiementing with product design. This is a wooden mold created to bend plexiglass by heating it up-to 130 degree C. This is an informative manual for plexi-glass heating.

CRT TV to You-Tube media streamer
At the end of their life cycles, many old TVs will be sold to third world countries so that they can be scrapped for electronic components or rare metals. However, instead of recycling, a more sustainable way of dealing with electronic waste is upcycling . As a weekend project, I turned this black and white portable CRT TV into a full-fledged computer capable of streaming youtube videos and weather forecast. John Hoang who is finishing his Masters Thesis in Physics from Nikhef managed to turn this old CRT TV into a media streamer.

Food for thoughts
Mangleshwar Shrivastava is a research engineer at Nikhef. Cooking is his hobby. He cooked for 30 people at an event at Nikhef to take his hobby to the professional level in Feb 2017. He tried new dishes as an experimentation and it was received with great appreciation by the attendees. Food could offer ultimate creativity.

Device for home-brewing measurement
Filipe Matos is a student at Science Park and he used the 3D printer at the lab to print the green component which is a part in the homebrew device to measure the brewing data.

Cases for custom sensor design
Zhiyuan Zheng is a designer project manager from CWI's Distributed and Interactive Systems group. He has spent his Friday mornings at the Innovation lab trying out different casing for custom made bio-sensors. The power of laser cutting is such that you get a product within 10 min, and you can quickly adjust a few details and run it again. Since the group has custom made hardware, there is no documentation about exact dimensions of them. By trying out various options, he could fit the design as close as to what it requires.
Perspex or Plexiglass is very common for this method of prototyping, and among them, 3mm thickness is the most popular one. For people who are not familiar with digital drawing software, there are online box makers http://boxmaker.connectionlab.org which generates vector drawings that are ready for laser cutting. However, the fitting requires some glue or force to make the box robust enough. Alternatively, Adafruit provides an excellent open-source example casing for Raspberry Pi which as a click-and-fit mechanism http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:24461. By starting with this example, you can easily enlarge / shrink the box according to your needs.

Prototype box
Mrunal Gawade, is finishing his PhD from database architecture group from CWI, has created this basic box prototype for an ongoing project. The design of the box was created using the online software from box makers http://boxmaker.connectionlab.org

The World Collage
"The world collage" is a photo-book (shot over 8 years) with juxtaposing stories of cultures with socioeconomic focus, across the world (Australia, Asia, Europe, North America), that was crowd-funded on Indiegogo in November 2015 and raised around $4000 from 130 people (contributions towards the end are not listed on Indiegogo). The complete concept was designed and developed by Mrunal Gawade, a PhD candidate at CWI with active suggestions from artists, designers, editors from places such as Amsterdam, Silicon Valley California, Croatia, India, etc. Even though the campaign is over, if interested you can still order a book from here and spread the news. (This project was completed before the innovation lab opened)

A bachelor student from Nikhef built this projector casing with its assembly at the Innovation lab. It will be used to characterize performances of 70 telescope cameras that will be built in Chile.

human 3D scanning
Mrunal Gawade a PhD candidate from CWI Database Architectures group is experiementing with 3D scanning. This is a 3D scan of a human model (thanks Pedro) to give a perspective of the ability of the 3D scanner used (www.structure.io). Scanning humans needs more practise as slight movements such as breathing, eye movements, can introduce artifacts in the scanned data. But it can be perfected with practise.

Amazon Dash button with Raspberry Pi camera
The white device on the left is an Amazon Dash Button, originally designed to help consumer ordering stuffs using a single button press. However with some hacks it can be used to do other useful stuffs. John Hoang who is finishing his Masters Thesis in Physics from Nikhef managed to turn it into a smart doorbell using a Raspberry Pi and a camera module.

Do-It-Yourself home garden shelf
Mangleshwar Shrivastava is a research engineer at Nikhef. Gardening is his hobby. He created a mini garden from waste bottles and the left-over wood from the StartupVillage at Amsterdam Science Park as the shelf using Do it Yourself philosophy in consultation with Mrunal.

More food for thoughts
Mangleshwar Shrivastava is a research engineer at Nikhef. Cooking is his hobby. He cooked for 50 people at a Christmas celebration event at the StartupVillage in Dec 2017 to take his hobby to the professional level. He experimented with Indo-Euro fusion dishes and the food was received very well by everybody.

3D scanning for art
Maurits Wiesenekker is a student at Science Park interested in photography and he used the 3D scanner from Mrunal for experimenting with some artistic project themes involving humans as a subject.