Dr. Mrunal Gawade is a computer scientist, entrepreneur, professional photographer, maker, and a creative with a wide range of interests from startups, photography, music, teaching, social activism, etc. He has over 15 years of experience in photography (since 2005) and has published his own photo-book titled "The world collage" using crowdfunding which tells juxtaposed stories across different cultures around the world from his world travels. Download the e-book here and see the old crowdfunding campaign here. ​
He has been involved in product photography, nature photography, event photography, marriage shoots, model shoots, etc. He uses a Canon 5D mark III, 24-70 F2.8, 70-200 F2.8 USM II IS, 50 mm prime lenses primarily.
During the Corona crisis of 2020 between March 2020 and July 2020, he was present at Devgad, a beach town in the Konkan area famous for its virgin sandy beaches, Alphonso / Hapus mangoes, fishes. He took this opportunity to do photo-shoots of the nearby areas in 20 km radius from Devgad and published a photo-project Devgad photography www.devgad-photography.com showcasing the photos of Devgad / Konkan region to promote Devgad and Konkan tourism.
Mrunal is founder of different startups including HOLOFIL a 3D holographic display which keeps him busy these days. He is founder of Science Park Creatives a community platform to bring together students, artists, entrepreneurs, and scientists, for innovation located in Amsterdam Science Park area.
Mrunal has a Ph.D. in Computer Science from CWI, Amsterdam, Netherlands, M.S. in Computer Science from University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC), USA and a Bachelors in Computer Engineering from VIT, Pune, India. For more details about Mrunal and his various activities and experiences, please visit his personal website www.mrunalg.com
To book him as a photographer and related inquiries please use the Contact Form on this website.